Thank you for training with NMA! We hope the following references are helpful to you.
Capital Fund Program
Fair Housing and Reasonable Accommodation
Family Self-Sufficiency
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program
Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program
Multifamily Housing Program
Procurement and Section 3
Project-Based Accounting
Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program
Public Housing Management
Public Housing (PH) Program
Fair Housing and Reasonable Accommodation
Equal Access
- Equal Access Final Rule
- Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation
- Notice PIH 2014-20
General and Miscellaneous Fair Housing Resources
- HUD-903-1 Complaint Form
- Non-Prohibition of Children in Mixed Population Projects
- Notice PIH 2011-31 Key Fair Housing Laws and Regulations
- Notice PIH 2016-17 RAD Fair Housing Rules
- 9/14/16, Harassment and Liability for Discriminatory Practices Final Rule
- HUD Sexual Harassment Guidance Nov 2008
Housing Choice Voucher
- Notice PIH 2013-18 Exception Payment Standards as Reasonable Accommodation
- Notice PIH 2014-25, Oversubsidization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
- LEP Final Guidance
- Language Access Assessment and Planning Tool
- Language Identification Flashcards
- OGC Guidance on LEP
- Your Right to an Interpreter - Editable
Reasonable Accommodation
- Certification of HUD Disability Form - Sample
- HUD-DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Accommodations
- HUD-DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Modifications
- Lease Addendum Live-In Aide
- Notice FHEO 2020-01 - Assessing a Person's Request to Have an Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Fair Housing Act
- HDLI Chart Summarizing Significant Aspects of Notice FHEO 2020-01
Olmstead Guidance
- Olmstead Guidance
- Notice PIH 2012-31 - Assisted Housing for Persons with Disabilities under Olmstead
Violence against Women Act (VAWA)
- 11/16/16, Final Rule Implementing VAWA 2013
- 1/4/23, VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2022: Overview and Applicability to HUD Programs
- HUD-5380 Notice of Occupancy Rights
- HUD-5381 Model Emergency Transfer Plan
- HUD-5382 Victim Certification
- HUD-5383 Emergency Transfer Request
- PIH 2017-08, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 Guidance
- Housing Rights of Domestic Violence Survivors: A State and Local Law Compendium
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)
24 CFR References
- 24 CFR Part 5, General HUD Program Requirements; Waivers
- 24 CFR Part 908, Electronic Transmission of Required Family Data for Public Housing, Indian Housing, and the Section 8 Rental Certificate, Rental Voucher, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs
- 24 CFR Part 964, Tenant Participation and Tenant Opportunities in Public Housing
- 24 CFR Part 982, Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program
- 24 CFR Part 984, Section 8 and Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program
Federal Register Notices
- 5/27/93, FSS Interim Rule Preamble
- 12/29/14, Waivers and Alternative Requirements for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program
- 11/15/18, Family Self-Sufficiency Performance Measurement System ("Composite Score")
PIH Notices
- 93-24, Interim Notice - General FSS FAQs
- 95-5, Modifying the FSS Contract of Participation
- 97-45, State or Area Office Approval of Exceptions to Section 8 and Public Housing FSS Programs of Mandatory Minimum Size
- 2000-11, Guidance on Establishing Cooperation Agreements between PHAs and TANF Agencies
- Attachment to PIH 2000-11, Sample Cooperation Agreement
- 2007-20, Impact of Non-Parental Child-Only Welfare Grants on Families Participating in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program
- 2010-25, Timely Reporting Requirements of the Family Report (form HUD-50058 and form HUD-50058 MTW) into the Public and Indian Housing Information Center
- Excerpts from PIH 2012-32, REV-2; Rental Assistance Demonstration – Final Implementation, Revision 2
- 2015-12, Administering the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR)
- 2016-01, Family Unification Program and Family Self Sufficiency Demonstration
- 2016-08, Inventory Management System/PIH Information Center (IMS/PIC) Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Reporting and FSS Program Portability Provisions
Other Resources
- Edits to the Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) reporting in HUD-50058 Section 17 — Family Self-Sufficiency
- Evaluation of The Family Self-Sufficiency Program: Prospective Study
- Evaluation of The Family Self-Sufficiency Program: Retrospective Analysis, 1996 to 2000
- The Family Self-Sufficiency Program; HUD’s Best Kept Secret for Promoting Employment and Asset Growth, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Quick Reference Guide to Multifamily Housing Requirements
- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Quick Reference Guide for Public Housing Projects Converting to Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Assistance
- Report to Congress – Moving to Work: Interim Policy Applications and the Future of the Demonstration
- Report to Congressional Requesters – Moving to Work Demonstration: Opportunities Exist to Improve Information and Monitoring
- 3/8/16, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs; Final Rule
- Hearing Decision Template
- Hearing Officer Performance Evaluation
- Informal Settlement Template
- PIH 2015-19, Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Federally Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- PIH 2015-19 Frequently Asked Questions
- PIH 2016-05, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Programs Administered by Public Housing Agencies
- PIH 2017-08, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 Guidance
- Sample Introductory Script
- Sample Termination Notice
- 24 CFR Part 92
- 7/24/13, HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Improving Performance and Accountability; Updating Property Standards - Final Rule
- HOME Applicability Guide
- HOME Applicability Matrix
- HOMEfires Volume 13 No. 2: Utility Allowance Guidance
- HUD Compliance in HOME Rent Projects - A Guide for PJs
- HUD Compliance in HOME Rent Projects - A Guide for Property Owners
- Tech Guide - Income Allowance for HOME Program
- NMA's HOTMA Resource Page
- Section 102 & 104 Income and Assets: Part 1 HUD training slideshow 5/9/23
- HOTMA Income Estimation Tool and Directions HUD resource sheet 5/9/23
- HOTMA Hardship Exemptions HUD resource sheet 5/9/23
- HOTMA Income and Assets Resources
- HOTMA Student Financial Assistance HUD resource sheet 5/9/23
- HOTMA Income and Income Exclusions HUD resource sheet 5/9/23
- HOTMA Income and Assets HUD fact sheet 5/9/23
- HOTMA Final Rule posted 2/14/23
- Notice PIH 2019-11 Final Implementation of the Public Housing Over-Income Limit under HOTMA posted 5/3/19
- Notice PIH 2023-27 Implementation Guidance: Sections 102 and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) updated 2/5/24
- HOTMA Income and Assets Q&A
- Public Housing Over-Income Limits HUD training
- Public Housing Over-Income handout
- HOTMA Income and Assets HUD training page
- Multifamily HOTMA page HUD resource page
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
24 CFR References
- Part 5, General HUD Program Requirements; Waivers
- Part 8, Nondiscrimination Based on Handicap in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Part 100, Discriminatory Conduct under the Fair Housing Act
- Part 903, Public Housing Agency Plans
- Part 982, Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Part 985, Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP)
Federal Register Notices
- 5/18/98, Section 8 Rental Voucher and Certificate Programs; Restrictions on Leasing to Relatives
- 5/24/01, Screening and Eviction for Drug Use and Other Criminal Activity; Final Rule
- 12/30/05, Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; Final Rule
- 4/10/06, Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; Supplementary Guidance; Notice
- 1/22/07, Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons; Notice
- 2/3/12, Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity; Final Rule
- 2/15/13, Implementation of the Fair Housing Act's Discriminatory Effects Standard; Final Rule
- 8/6/13, The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Overview of Applicability to HUD Programs
- 5/20/14, Federally Mandated Exclusions from Income—Updated Listing
- 6/25/14, HUD Implementation of Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriations Provisions on Public Housing Agency Consortia, Biennial Inspections, Extremely Low-Income Definition, and Utility Allowances
- 2/17/15, Removal of Obsolete Section 8 Rental Assistance Certificate Program Regulations
- 8/20/15, Housing Choice Voucher Program: Streamlining the Portability Process
- 3/8/16, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs; Final Rule
- 10/24/16, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Initial Guidance
- 11/16/16, Establishing a More Effective Fair Market Rent System; Using Small Area Fair Market Rents in the Housing Choice Voucher Program Instead of the Current 50th Percentile FMRs
- 11/16/16, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs
- 1/13/17, Requirements for Notification, Evaluation, and Reduction of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Federally Owned Residential Property and Housing Receiving Federal Assistance; Response to Elevated Blood Lead Levels
- 1/18/17, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Implementation of Various Section 8 Voucher Provisions
- 7/14/17, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Implementation of Various Section 8 Voucher Provisions; Correction
- 5/7/24, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher Implementation
- 8/13/24, Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers Revised Implementation of the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program
PIH Notices
- 2009-18, State and Local Law Applicability to Lease Terminations in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
- 2010-26, Non-Discrimination and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
- 2011-28, Cost-Savings Measures in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
- 2012-28, State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in Federally Assisted Housing
- 2012-34, Waiting List Administration
- 2013-17, Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program—Review of Existing HQS Requirements and the Use of Photos to Improve HQS Oversight
- 2013-18, Revision for Requests for Exception Payment Standards for Persons with Disabilities as a Reasonable Accommodation
- 2013-30, Exclusion from Income of Payments under Recent Tribal Trust Settlements
- 2014-20, Program Eligibility Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Marital Status as Required by HUD's Equal Access Rule
- 2014-25, Over-Subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
- 2015-19, Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Federally Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- 2015-21, Amendment to the Definition of Tuition
- 2016-02, Enhanced Voucher Requirements for Over-Housed Families
- 2016-05, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Programs Administered by Public Housing Agencies
- 2016-09, Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Family Moves with Continued Assistance, Family Briefing, and Voucher Term's Suspension
- 2017-08, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 Guidance
- 2017-20, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Implementation Guidance
- 2017-21, Implementation Guidance: Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA)Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher (PBV)Provisions
- 2019-12, Enhanced Voucher Minimum Rent Calculation for Families Whose Incomes Subsequently Increase After Having Experienced a Significant Decrease in Income
- 2019-21, Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information for Calendar Year 2018
- 2020-29, Guidance for Running an Optimized Housing Choice Voucher Program
- 2020-31, Remote Video Inspections for the Housing Choice Voucher Program
- 2020-32, Guidance for PHAs on the Allowability of Remote Hearings and Remote Briefings
- 2024-19, HOTMA HCV and PBV Final Rule – Guidance on Effective and Compliance Dates and PHA Implementation Preparation
- 2024-26, Implementation of NSPIRE Administrative Procedures for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Programs, REVISION 1
- 2024-30, Statutory and Regulatory Waivers for Mainstream Vouchers
- HUD-5380, Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act
- HUD-5381, Model Emergency Transfer Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD-5382, Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking, and Alternate Documentation
- HUD-5383, Emergency Transfer Request for Certain Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD-52517, Request for Tenancy Approval
- HUD-52641, Housing Assistance Payments Contract (HAP Contract)
- HUD-52641-A, Tenancy Addendum
- HUD-52646, Voucher
- HUD-52665, Family Portability Information
- HUD-903.1, Are You a Victim of Housing Discrimination? Fair Housing Is Your Right!
- HUD-92006, Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing
- HUD-9886, Authorization for the Release of Information/Privacy Act Notice
Sample Forms
- Sample HCV Notice of Intent to Deny Based on Criminal Records
- Sample HCV Notice of Intent to Terminate Assistance Based on Criminal Records
- 50058 Instruction Booklet
- FAQs – Admission and Occupancy
- FAQs – PIH 2012-28: State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders
- FAQs – PIH 2015-19: Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- FAQs – Rental Integrity Summit
- HCV Utilization Training
- Housing Choice Voucher Guidebook - 2001 Complete Version
- Housing Choice Voucher Guidebook - New Living Document in Progress
- HUD DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Accommodations
- Letter to Executive Directors – Portability, 9/15/15
- Live-in Aide Fact Sheet
- Office of General Counsel Guidance on VAWA, 9/13/16
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program
Authoritative Sources
- 24 CFR Part 100
- 26 CFR 1.42 (Treasury Regulations)
- Internal Revenue Code Section 42
- Section 42, Low-Income Housing Credit Average Income Test Regulations
- HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 2
- HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 3
- HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 5
- HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 6
- HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 8
- HUD Handbook 4350.3 Appendix 3
- LIHTC Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition Audit Technique Guide: Guide for Completing Form 8823
Notices, Revenue Rulings, and Revenue Procedures
- 9/4/20, CDC Eviction Moratorium on COVID-19
- CCA 200913012, Issues Arising when Qualified Low-Income Buildings are Damaged By Casualty
- IRS Notice 88-80, Income Determination Follows Section 8 of U.S. Housing Act of 1937
- IRS Notice 88-91, Assignment of Building Identification Number
- IRS Notice 89-6, General Public Use and Utility Allowance Requirements
- IRS Notice 2009-44, Utilities Paid by Tenant of Sub metered Rent-Restricted Units
- Memorandum of Understanding Between IRS, HUD, and DOJ
- Notice PIH 2017-23, Updates to Flat Rent Requirements
- PLR 8920003, Fees for Optional Services
- PLR 8921035, Fees for Meal
- PLR 8944042, Targeted Population Restriction
- PLR 9330013, Manager Unit and Application Fees in Rent
- PLR 9526009, SSI Payments Excluded From Rent
- PLR 9538015, Security Officer Unit
- PLR 9822026, Community Building
- PLR 200044020, Acq/Rehab of a Residential Rental Property
- Revenue Procedure 94-57, Gross Rent Floor
- Revenue Procedure 94-65, Assets Documentation
- Revenue Procedure 2003-82, Safe Harbor for Over-Income Tenants During First Year of the Credit Period
- Revenue Procedure 2005-37, Extended Use Commitments
- Revenue Procedure 2007-54, Relief for Projects in Disaster Areas
- Revenue Procedure 2014-49, Emergency Housing Relief for Individuals Displaced by Major Disaster
- Revenue Procedure 2016-15, Minimum Number of Physical Inspection and Certification Reviews of Low-Income Units
- Revenue Procedure 2019-17, General Public Use Requirements for Qualified Residential Rental Projects Financed with Tax-Exempt Bonds
- Revenue Ruling 89-24, Calculating Income Limits
- Revenue Ruling 90-89, Combined Income of Occupants Counted
- Revenue Ruling 91-38, Answers to 12 Questions
- Revenue Ruling 92-61, Manager's Unit
- Revenue Ruling 92-79, Extended Use Agreement for Allocations Prior to 1990
- Revenue Ruling 94-57, Decrease in Area Median Gross Income
- Revenue Ruling 95-49, Long Term Commitment to Low Income Housing
- Revenue Ruling 2004-82, Answering 12 Questions about LIHTC
- Safe Harbor to Comply with Eviction and Rent Increase Restrictions in LIHTC
Other Resources
Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program
Federal Register Notices
- 10/11/18, Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work Demonstration Program; Republication and Extension of Comment Period
- 8/28/20, Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work Demonstration Program (Final Operations Notice)
PIH Notices
- 2011-45, Parameters for Local, Non-Traditional Activities under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program
- 2013-02, Baseline Methodology for Moving to Work Public Housing Agencies
- 2018-17, Request for Letters of Interest and Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal year 2019: COHORT #1 – Overall Impact of Moving to Work Flexibility
- 2019-03, EXTENSION to Submit Letters of Interest and Applications under the moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal year 2019: COHORT #1 – Overall Impact of Moving to Work Flexibility
- 2019-04, Request for Letters of Interest under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2019: COHORT #2 – Rent Reform
- 2020-21, Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2020: COHORT #2 – Rent Reform
- MTW Supplement to the Annual PHA Plan (Draft version, replaces 50900)
- HUD-50058 MTW
- HUD-50058 MTW Expansion (Draft version)
- HUD-50166, MTW Amendment to the Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract
Expansion and Cohort Webpages
Other Resources
Multifamily Housing Program
24 CFR References
- 24 CFR Part 880, Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for New Construction
- 24 CFR Part 881, Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for Substantial Rehabilitation
- 24 CFR Part 883, Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program—State Housing Agencies
- 24 CFR Part 884, Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, New Construction Set-Aside for Section 515 Rural Rental Housing Projects
Federal Register Notices
- 9/21/16, Eligibility of Independent Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; Additional Supplementary Guidance
- 11/16/16, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs
H Notices
- H 2013-21, Implementation and Approval of Owner-Adopted Admissions Preferences for Individuals or Families Experiencing Homelessness
- H 2014-16, Waiting List Administration
- H 2015-04, Methodology for Completing a Multifamily Housing Utility Analysis
- H 2015-04, Attachment A
- H 2015-04, Attachment B
- H 2015-10 Guidance Owners of Federally-Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- H 2015-12, Amendment to the definition of Tuition
- H 2016-08, Family Self Sufficiency Program in Multifamily
- H 2016-08, Attachment A
- H 2016-08, Attachment B
- H 2016-08, Attachment C
- H 2016-08, Attachment D
- H 2016-17, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component – Public Housing Conversions
- H 2017-05, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization Act of 2013 – Additional Guidance for Multifamily Owners and Management Agents
- H 2020-10, Electronic Signature, Transmission and Storage – Guidance for Multifamily Assisted Housing Industry Partners
- PIH 2022-01/H 2022-01/OLHCHH 2022-01, Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors in U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Assisted Housing
- H 2023-01, Unique Entity Identifier Replaces Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) for Identification of Federal Awards
- H 2023-03, Capital Needs Assessment (CAN) eTool for Asset Management
- H 2023-04, Annual Revisions to Base City High Cost Percentage, High Cost Area and Per Unit Sub Rehab Threshold for 2023
- H 2023-07, Implementation of NSPIRE Administrative Procedures
- HUD-1141, Is Fraud Worth It?
- HUD-52670A2-INS, Part 2 Special Claims Schedule Instructions
- HUD-52670A2, Part 2 Special Claims Schedule Form
- HUD-52671A, Unpaid Rent/Damages Claim
- HUD-52671C, Vacancy Claim
- HUD-5380, Notice of Occupancy Rights Under the Violence Against Women Act
- HUD-5381, Model Emergency Transfer Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD-5382, Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking and Alternate Documentation
- HUD-5383, Emergency Transfer Request for Certain Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD-90011, EIV System CAAF
- HUD-90012, EIV System UAAF
- HUD-92006, Supplement to the Application
- HUD-92273-S8I, RCS Instructions
- HUD-92273-S8, RCS Form
- HUD-935-2A, Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP)
- TRACSMail Id Request and Registration Form
Multifamily HOTMA
- H 2023-10, Implementation Guidance: Sections 102 and 104 of HOTMA
- H 2024-04, Updates to Tenant Selection Plan (TSP) and Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) Policies and Procedures
- HUD Notice for HOTMA Early Implementation
- HOTMA HUD Talking Points
- HOTMA Discretionary Policies
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program
- 7/3/18 FR Notice, RAD: Implementation of Certain Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Appropriations Act Provisions
- PIH 2012-32 (REV-2), Rental Assistance Demonstration – Final Implementation, Revision 2
- PIH 2012-32/H 2017-03 (REV-3), Rental Assistance Demonstration – Final Implementation, Revision 3
- PIH 2019-23/H 2019-09 (REV-4), Rental Assistance Demonstration – Final Implementation, Revision 4
- PIH 2014-17, Relocation Requirements under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program, Public Housing in the First Component
- H/PIH 2016-17, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component – Public Housing Conversions
- PIH 2018-11/H-2018-05, RAD – Supplemental Guidance
- PIH 2018-22/H 2018-11, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) - Supplemental Guidance 3.B
- Notice PIH 2023-19/H 2023-08, Rental Assistance Demonstration - Supplemental Notice 4B
- H 2023-08, RAD – Supplemental Notice 4B, Revisions of Certain Previous RAD Notices
- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Supplemental Guidance on Revised RAD Notice
- PBRA Quick Reference Guide
- Post-Conversion Approval Processing Guide
- Quick Reference Guide: Environmental Review Requirements for RAD Conversions
- RAD Conversion Guide for PHAs
- The New Section 3 Rule and RAD
- Welcome Guide for New Awardees RAD First Component
Project-Based Contract Renewals
- 24 CFR Part 245, Tenant Participation in Multifamily Housing Projects
- American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000
- FAQs – Transferring Budget Authority Under Section 8(bb)(1)
- Form HUD-52645A, Extension Amendment to Old Regulation State Agency Housing Assistance Payments Contract
- Form HUD-92273, Estimates of Market Rent by Comparison
- Form HUD-92458, Rent Schedule, Low Rent Housing
- Form HUD-92547-A, Budget Worksheet
- Form HUD-93184, Rider to Original Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract
- Form HUD-93486, Computation of Surplus Cash Distribution and Residual Receipts
- Form HUD-9624, Contract Renewal Request Form, Multifamily Section 8 Contracts
- Form HUD-9625, OCAF Rent Adjustment Worksheet
- Form HUD-9626, Letters to Owners/Agents, Option 1 and 3
- Form HUD-9627, Letters to Owners/Agents, Option 2 and 4
- Form HUD-9629, Request to Renew Using Non-Section 8 Units in the Section 8 Project as a Market Rent Ceiling
- Form HUD-9630, Request to Renew Using FMRs as Market Ceiling
- Form HUD-9635, Projects Preparing a Budget-Based Rent Increase
- Forms HUD-9636 through 9644, HUD Renewal Contracts
- FR Notice 1/22/07, Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons
- HUD Environmental Review Website
- HUD Handbook 1378, Tenant Assistance Relocation and Real Property Acquisition
- HUD Handbook 4350.6, Processing Plans of Action Under the Low-Income Housing Handbook
- HUD Section 8(bb) Website
- HUD's Capital Needs Assessment Tool (CNA eTool)
- Multifamily Accelerated Processing Guide
- Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997
- Notice H 94-42, Mid-Course Correction for LIHPRHA and ELIHPA
- Notice H 2012-6, Notice Requiring Owners PBRA Contracts to Obtain DUNS Numbers and to Register in the CCR
- Notice H 2012-27, Revised Requirements for Project Capital Needs Assessments, Estimated Reserves for Replacements and Remedies for Accessibility Deficiencies
- Notice H 2013-17, Updated Requirements for Pre-Payment and Refinance of Section 202 Direct Loans
- Notice H 2015-02, Required Actions for Multifamily Housing Projects Receiving Failing Scores from HUD's REAC
- Notice H 2015-03, Transferring Budget Authority of a PBRA Payments Contract Under Section 8(bb)
- Notice H 2015-04, Methodology for Completing a Multifamily Housing Utility Analysis
- Notice H 2016-16, Policy for Amended and Restated Use Agreement for Multifamily Projects Subject to the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (LIHPRHA)
- Notice H 2019-06, Treatment of ABLE Accounts in HUD-Assisted Programs
- Notice H 2021-02, Guidelines for Certain HUD Approvals Regarding Properties Encumbered by HUD-Held Mark-to-Market Program Debt and Portfolio Reengineering Demonstration Program Debt
- Notice H 2024-03, Approval and Processing of Requests to Bifurcate Contracts
- Notice H 2024-05, Budget-Based Rent Adjustments for Mark-to-Market Properties
- Notice PIH 2001-41, Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance for Housing Conversion Actions
- Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide
- System for Award Management(SAM)
- Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
- EIV Cyber Awareness Challenge
- Family Self-Sufficiency Program Guidebook for Owners of Project-Based Section 8 Developments
- FHEO 2013-01, Service and Assistance Animals for People with Disabilities in HUD-Funded Programs
- FHEO 2020-01, Assessing a Request to Have an Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation
- FHEO 2023-01, FHEO VAWA Notice
- Equal Access Finance Rule
- HUD Handbook 2400.25, REV 5.0, Information Technology Security Policy
- HUD Handbook 8025.1
- Multifamily FSS Page on HUD Exchange
- Multifamily Toolkit for Implementing a Homeless Preference
- Section 8 Contract Renewal Policy Guidebook
- Section 8 Contract Renewal Policy Revised Chapter 9
- Section 8(bb) Preservation Tool
- Special Claims Processing Guide
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Resources for Multifamily Assisted Housing
- NMA's NSPIRE Resource Page
- NSPIRE scoring notice published 7/7/23
- PIH Notice 2023-16 (administrative procedures)
published 6/30/23 - NSPIRE standards
published 6/22/23 - NSPIRE Final Rule posted 5/11/23
- NSPIRE Score Calculator Excel download and video instructions posted 4/25/23
- Proposed scoring notice posted 3/28/23
- HUD's NSPIRE Get Ready session on YouTube recorded 1/18/23
Procurement and Section 3
- 2 CFR Part 200
- 24 CFR Part 75
- 9/29/20 FR Notice, Enhancing and Streamlining the Implementation of Section 3 Requirements
- Business Certification
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Section 3
- Form HUD-5370
- Form HUD-5370-C1
- Form HUD-5370-C2
- Form HUD-5370-EZ
- HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, Procurement Handbook for Public Housing Agencies
- Micro-purchase and Simplified Acquisition Thresholds Memo
- Resident Outreach Letter
- Section 3 Monthly Activity Report
- Section 3 Plan - Sample
- Section 3 Resident Enrollment Form
- Section 3 Survey
- The New Section 3 Rule and RAD
Project-Based Accounting
CFR References
- 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
- 24 CFR Part 5, General HUD Program Requirements; Waivers
- 24 CFR Part 970, Public Housing Program—Demolition or Disposition of Public Housing Projects
- 24 CFR Part 990, The Public Housing Operating Fund Program
Federal Register Notices
- 12/28/05, Public Housing Operating Fund; Variable Coefficients for Public Housing Operating Fund Project Expense Levels
- 1/5/06, Public Housing Operating Fund; Variable Coefficients for Public Housing Operating Fund Project Expense Levels; Correction
- 9/6/06, Public Housing Operating Fund Program; Guidance on Implementation of Asset Management
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Financial Condition Scoring Notice
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Management Operations Scoring Notice
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Capital Fund Scoring Notice
- 7/20/11, Public Housing: Physical Needs Assessment, Proposed Rule
- 6/11/12, PHAS Capital Fund Interim Scoring Notice; Request for Comment
PIH Notices
- 87-12, Public and Indian Housing Rental Development and Modernization—Forgiveness and Excess Financing
- 96-33, Required HA Cash Management and Investment Policies and Procedures
- 2002-28, Use of eLOCCS to Request Operating Subsidy Payments and Elimination of Form HUD-52721
- 2005-02, Requirements for Designation of Public Housing Projects
- 2005-34, Information Regarding Implementation of the Final Rule to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, 24 CFR Part 990
- 2006-10, Identification of Projects for Asset Management
- 2006-14, Operating Fund Program Final Rule: Transition Funding and Guidance on Demonstration of Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operating Subsidy
- 2006-33, Changes in Financial Management and Reporting Requirements for Public Housing Agencies under the New Operating Fund Rule; Interim Instructions
- 2006-35, Operating Fund Program Final Rule: Extension of Stop-Loss Deadline to April 15, 2007
- 2007-7, Guidance on Appeals under Subpart G of the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule
- 2007-9, Updated Changes in Financial Management and Reporting Requirements for Public Housing Agencies under the New Operating Fund Rule
- 2007-16, Operating Fund Program: Guidance on Demonstration of Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operating Subsidy, Year 1 and Year 2 Applications
- 2007-28, Changes in the Project Numbering System and Process for Requesting Changes in Project Identification
- 2008-11, Reporting Requirements and Sanctions Policy under the Public Housing Program for the Family Report (Form HUD-50058) to the Office of PIH Information Center (PIC)
- 2008-16, Guidance on Asset Management Provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008
- 2008-17, Guidance on Disposition of Excess Equipment and Non-Dwelling Real Property under Asset Management
- 2008-41, Public Housing Agency (PHA) Five-Year and Annual Plan Process for All PHAs
- 2011-07, Guidance on IMS/PIC Development Sub-Module Reporting and Validation
- 2011-13, Implementation of the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Interim Rule
- 2011-48, Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information and Conducting Comparability Analysis
- 2011-57, Instructions for Public Housing Agencies on Fiscal Year End Changes
- 2011-58, Extension—Certification of Accuracy of Data in the Inventory Management/Public Housing Information Center System Used to Calculate the Capital Fund Formula Allocation
- 2011-60, Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Requirement
- 2011-61, Extension—Guidance on Requirement for PHAs to Record Current Declaration of Trusts (DOTs) against All Public Housing Property and Guidance on Adding and Removing Public Housing Units and Other Property from the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC)
- 2011-65, Timely Reporting Requirements of the Family Report (Form HUD-50058 and Form HUD-50058 MTW) into the Public and Indian Housing Information Center
- 2011-69, Prohibition on Exceeding Statutory Limitation of the Number of Public Housing Units
- 2012-2, Guidance on Public Housing Operating Funds
- 2012-7, Demolition/Disposition of Public Housing and Associated Requirements for PHA Plans, Resident Consultation, Section 3, and Application Processing
- 2012-8, Guidance for Obtaining HUD Consent of Takings of Public Housing Property by Eminent Domain
- 2012-13, Extension—Administering the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR)
- 2012-14, Guidance on Public Housing Salary Restrictions in HUD's Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2012 Appropriations Act (P.L. 112-55)
- 2012-32, Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation
- 2012-32 (REV-1), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation—Revision 1
- 2012-32 (REV-2), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation—Revision 2
- 2012-32 (REV-3), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation—Revision 3
- 2012-41, Processing Information for the Submission of Replacement Housing Factor (RHF) Plans
- 2013-09, Use of Operating Reserves for Capital Improvements
- 2013-20, Processing Requests for Regulatory Waivers through Appropriate Field Offices
- 2013-21, Guidance on the Use of Tenant Participation Funds
- 2014-01, Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information
- 2016-13, Guidance on Property and Casualty Insurance Issues
- 2016-20, 2 CFR 200.311(c)(1) Disposition Instructions for the Public Housing Agency (PHA) Retention of Certain Public Housing Real Property (That Is No Longer Used or Was Never Used for Public Housing Dwelling Purposes) Free from Public Housing Use Restrictions
- 2016-23, Requirements for Removing All Public Housing Units and Guidance on Either the Termination of the ACC or the Continuation of the Public Housing Program
- 2017-22, Guidance on Eligibility for Asset-Repositioning Fee (ARF) when Public Housing Units Are Approved for Demolition, Disposition, or Transitioned to Homeownership
- 2018-03, Guidance on the Use of Operating Subsidy for Capital Fund Purposes for Subsidy Appropriated and Allocated for Calendar Year 2018 and Subsequent Years
- 2018-04, Demolition and/or Disposition of Public Housing Property, Eligibility for Tenant Protection Vouchers, and Associated Requirements
- 2019-05, Streamlined Voluntary Conversions of Last Remaining Projects of Small Public Housing Agencies
- 2019-10, Required Conversions
- 2019-13, Public Housing ACC Termination and PHA Closeout
- 2019-23 (REV-4), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation—Revision 4
Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program
24 CFR References
- Part 982, Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Part 983, Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program
Federal Register Notices
- 10/13/05, Project-Based Voucher Program; Final Rule
- 11/24/08, The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 Applicability to HUD Public Housing, Section 8 Tenant-Based Voucher, and Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Programs
- 7/9/10, Administrative Guidelines; Subsidy Layering Reviews for Proposed Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Housing Assistance Payments Contracts
- 6/25/14, The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA): Changes to the Section 8 Tenant-Based Voucher and Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Programs; Final Rule
- 9/26/14, Administrative Guidelines; Subsidy Layering Reviews for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Housing Assistance Payments Contracts and Mixed-Finance Development
- 3/8/16, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development Programs; Final Rule
- 12/20/16, Narrowing the Digital Divide Through Installation of Broadband Infrastructure in HUD-Funded New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation of Multifamily Rental Housing; Final Rule
- 1/18/17, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Implementation of Various Section 8 Housing Provisions
- 7/14/17, HOTMA 2016: Implementation of Various Section 8 Housing Provisions; Correction
- 2/28/20, Administrative Guidelines: Subsidy Layering Review for Project-Based Vouchers
- 5/7/24, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher Implementation
- 8/13/24, Section 9 Housing Choice Vouchers: Revised Implementation of the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program
PIH Notices
- 2009-11, Project-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers
- 2010-08, Renewal of Project-Based Certificate Housing Assistance Payments Contracts
- 2010-18, Revision to HUD Notice PIH 2009-51 PHA Determinations of Rent Reasonableness in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program—Comparable Unassisted Units in the Premises
- 2010-23, Project-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers
- 2013-11, Process for Requesting Subsidy Layering Reviews
- 2013-27, Voluntary Relinquishment of Enhanced Voucher Assistance or Regular Housing Choice Voucher Assistance in Exchange for Project-Based Voucher Assistance in Multifamily Housing Conversion Actions
- 2016-17, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component—Public Housing Conversions
- 2017-08, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 Guidance
- 2017-20, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Implementation Guidance
- 2017-21, Implementation Guidance: Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Provisions
- 2018-18, Administrative Guidance for Effective and Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System
- 2018-24, Verification of Social Security Numbers (SSNs), Social Security (SS), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits; and Effective Use of the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System's Identity Verification Report
- PIH 2022-01/H 2022-01/OLHCHH 2022-01, Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors in U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Assisted Housing
- 2024-19, HOTMA HCV and PBV Final Rule – Guidance on Effective and compliance Dates and PHA Implementation Preparation
- HUD 52530-A, PBV Housing Assistance Payments Contract, New Construction or Rehabilitation, Part I
- HUD 52530-A, PBV Housing Assistance Payments Contract, New Construction or Rehabilitation, Part II
- HUD 52530-B, PBV Housing Assistance Payments Contract, Existing Housing, Part I
- HUD 52530-B, PBV Housing Assistance Payments Contract, Existing Housing, Part II
- HUD 52530-C, PBV Tenancy Addendum Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program
- HUD 52531-A, PBV Agreement to Enter into Housing Assistance Payments Contract, New Construction or Rehabilitation, Part I
- HUD 52531-B, PBV Agreement to Enter into Housing Assistance Payments Contract, New Construction or Rehabilitation, Part II
- HUD 52578-B, Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program, Statement of Family Responsibility
- HUD Letter, February 3, 2014
- VMS Release August 2019, Letter to Executive Directors
- VMS User's Manual, March 2020, Release
Additional References for the RAD PBV Program
- Form HUD-52624, Conversion Commitment
- Form HUD-52625, Use Agreement
- Form HUD-5679 Labor Standards Addendum
- Form HUD-5976, RAD Relocation Checklist
- Non-FHA LIHTC Fast Track Submission Checklist for PHAs
- PBV Quick Reference Guide
- PIH 2012-32 (REV-2), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation, Revision 2
- PIH 2012-32 (REV-3), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation, Revision 3
- PIH 2014-17, Relocation Requirements under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program, Public Housing in the First Component
- PIH 2016-17, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component – Public Housing Conversions
- PIH 2019-23/H 2019-09 (REV-4), Rental Assistance Demonstration—Final Implementation, Revision 4
- Notice PIH 2023-19/H 2023-08, Rental Assistance Demonstration - Supplemental Notice 4B
- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Supplemental Guidance on Revised RAD Notice
- Post-Conversion Approval Processing Guide
- Quick Reference Guide: Environmental Review Requirements for RAD Conversions
- RAD Conversion Guide for PHAs
- RAD PBV Monitoring Checklist
- RAD Resident Log
- RAD Resident Rights in Public Housing
- The New Section 3 Rule and RAD
- Welcome Guide for New Awardees RAD First Component
Public Housing Management
24 CFR References
- Part 1, Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development—Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Part 5, General HUD Program Requirements; Waivers
- Part 8, Nondiscrimination Based on Handicap in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Part 100, Discriminatory Conduct under the Fair Housing Act
- Part 902, Public Housing Assessment System
- Part 903, Public Housing Agency Plans
- Part 907, Substantial Default by a Public Housing Agency
- Part 960, Admission to, and Occupancy of, Public Housing
- Part 965, PHA-Owned or Leased Projects, General Provisions
- Part 966, Public Housing Lease and Grievance Procedure
Federal Register Notices
- 12/22/98, Fair Housing Enforcement—Occupancy Standards; Notice of Statement of Policy
- 1/22/07, Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons; Notice
- 2/23/11, Public Housing Evaluation and Oversight: Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) and Determining and Remedying Substantial Default; Interim Rule
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Financial Condition Scoring Notice
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Management Operations Scoring Notice
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Capital Fund Scoring Notice
- 2/23/11, Changes to the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Physical Condition Scoring Notice
- 8/9/12, Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Physical Condition Scoring Notice and Revised Dictionary of Deficiency Definitions; Notice
- 6/25/14, HUD Implementation of Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriations Provisions on Public Housing Agency Consortia, Biennial Inspections, Extremely Low-Income Definition, and Utility Allowances
- 9/8/15, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing: Revisions to Public Housing Flat Rents
- 10/24/16, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Initial Guidance
PIH Notices
- 1998-02, Treatment of Income Received from Training Programs
- 2003-11, Instructions for Obtaining Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal History Record Information
- 2010-26, Non-Discrimination and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
- 2010-37, Operating Fund Program: Guidance on Demonstration of Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operating Subsidy, Year 5 Applications
- 2011-07, Guidance on IMS/PIC Development Sub-Module Reporting and Validation
- 2011-65, Timely Reporting Requirements of the Family Report (form HUD-50058 and form HUD-50058 MTW) into the Public and Indian Housing Information Center
- 2012-1, Income Exclusion of Kinship, Kin-GAP and Other Guardianship Care Payments
- 2012-4, Effective Use of the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System's Deceased Tenants Report to Reduce Subsidy Payment & Administrative Errors
- 2012-22, Supplemental Information to Application for Assistance Regarding Identification of Family Member, Friend or Other Persons or Organization Supportive of a Tenant for Occupancy in HUD Assisted Housing
- 2012-28, State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in Federally Assisted Housing
- 2012-29, Establishing the Passbook Savings Rate
- 2012-34, Waiting List Administration
- 2013-04, Guidance on Verification of Excluded Income
- 2014-20, Program Eligibility Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Marital Status as Required by HUD's Equal Access Rule
- 2015-12, Administering the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR)
- 2015-19, Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Federally Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- 2016-05, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Programs Administered by Public Housing Agencies
- 2016-06, Administering the Self-Certification Flexibility When Verifying Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) Compliance
- 2016-18, Guidance on Full Flexibility for Eligible Small PHAs
- 2017-23, Updates to Flat Rent Requirements
- 2019-05, Streamlined Voluntary Conversions of Last Remaining Projects of Small Public Housing Agencies
- 2019-10, Required Conversions
- 2019-21, Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information for Calendar Year 2018
- 2019-25, Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Public Housing Program Policy on Emergency Call Systems
- 2020-32, Guidance for PHAs on the Allowability of Remote Hearings and Remote Briefings
- PIH 2022-01/H 2022-01/OLHCHH 2022-01, Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors in U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Assisted Housing
- FAQs – Implementing the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act’s (HOTMA) Public Housing Income Limit
- FAQs – State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing Programs
- FHEO 2020-01, Assessing a Person’s Request to Have an Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Fair Housing Act
- HUD DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Accommodation
- Housing Manager's Procedures Manual not currently available from HUD
- Office of General Counsel Guidance on Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Use of Criminal Records by Providers of Housing and Real Estate-Related Transactions
Public Housing (PH) Program
24 CFR References
- Part 5, General HUD Program Requirements; Waivers
- Part 8, Nondiscrimination Based on Handicap in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Part 100, Discriminatory Conduct under the Fair Housing Act
- Part 902, Public Housing Assessment System
- Part 903, Public Housing Agency Plans
- Part 907, Substantial Default by a Public Housing Agency
- Part 908, Electronic Transmission of Required Family Data for Public Housing, Indian Housing, and the Section 8 Rental Certificate, Rental Voucher, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs
- Part 945, Designated Housing—Public Housing Designated for Occupancy by Disabled, Elderly, or Disabled and Elderly Families
- Part 960, Admission to, and Occupancy of, Public Housing
- Part 965, PHA-Owned or Leased Projects, General Provisions
- Part 966, Public Housing Lease and Grievance Procedure
Federal Register Notices
- 12/22/98, Fair Housing Enforcement—Occupancy Standards; Notice of Statement of Policy
- 10/27/08, Pet Ownership for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities; Final Rule
- 2/3/12, Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity; Final Rule
- 6/25/14, HUD Implementation of Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriations Provisions on Public Housing Agency Consortia, Biennial Inspections, Extremely Low-Income Definition, and Utility Allowances
- 9/8/15, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing: Revisions to Public Housing Flat Rents
- 3/8/16, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Multifamily Housing, and Community Planning and Development
- 10/24/16, Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Initial Guidance
- 11/16/16, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013: Implementation in HUD Housing Programs
- 12/5/16, Instituting Smoke-Free Public Housing; Final Rule
PIH Notices
- 2003-11, Instructions for Obtaining Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal History Record Information
- 2004-02, Excess Utility Consumption Charges Permissible Under the Flat Rent Option for Checkmetered Units
- 2010-26, Non-Discrimination and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
- 2011-31, Guidance on Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Requirements for PHAs
- 2012-25, Smoke-Free Policies in Public Housing
- 2012-28, State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in Federally Assisted Housing
- 2012-34, Waiting List Administration
- 2014-12, Changes to Flat Rent Requirements—2014 Appropriations Act
- 2014-20, Program Eligibility Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Marital Status as Required by HUD's Equal Access Rule
- 2015-12, Administering the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR)
- 2015-19, Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Federally Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- 2016-05, Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Programs Administered by Public Housing Agencies
- 2016-06, Administering the Self-Certification Flexibility When Verifying Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) Compliance
- 2017-23, Updates to Flat Rent Requirements
- 2019-05, Streamlined Voluntary Conversions of Last Remaining Projects of Small Public Housing Agencies
- 2019-10, Required Conversions
- 2019-14, Declaration of Trust or Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (DOC/DORC) Requirements
- 2019-21, Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Information for Calendar Year 2018
- 2019-25, Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Public Housing Program Policy on Emergency Call Systems
- 2020-32, Guidance for PHAs on the Allowability of Remote Hearings and Remote Briefings
- HUD-903.1, Are You a Victim of Housing Discrimination? Fair Housing Is Your Right!
- HUD-5380, Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence against Women Act
- HUD-5381, Model Emergency Transfer Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD-5382, Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking, and Alternate Documentation
- HUD-5383, Emergency Transfer Request for Certain Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD-9886-A, Authorization for the Release of Information/Privacy Act Notice to HUD and the HA
- HUD-92006, Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing
Smoke-Free Tools
- 12/5/2016, Smoke-Free Final Rule
- Notice H 2010-21 Optional Smoke-Free Housing Policy Information
- Smoke-Free Housing Toolkit
- Action Guide for Establishing Smoke-Free Housing
- 50058 Instruction Booklet
- FAQs – Admission and Occupancy
- FAQs – Implementing the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act’s (HOTMA) Public Housing Income Limit
- FAQs – PIH 2012-28: State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders
- FAQs – PIH 2015-19: Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- FAQs – Rental Integrity Summit
- FHEO 2020-01, Assessing a Person’s Request to Have an Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Fair Housing Act
- HUD DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Accommodations
- HUD DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Modifications
- Letter to Executive Directors – Cat Declawing
- Live-in Aide Fact Sheet
- Office of General Counsel Guidance on VAWA, 9/13/16
- Public Housing Occupancy Guidebook, New Living Document in Progress
- Public Housing Occupancy Guidebook, 2003 Complete Version