Multifamily Housing
Innovative solutions for property management companies, PBCAs, HFAs and housing agencies

MOR Readiness Reviews
Are you ready for an MOR?

"The Watervliet Housing Authority consistently uses Nan McKay & Associates for all of our training needs. The Housing Authority has recently converted to RAD PBRA, and each employee was sent to the Nan McKay Multifamily Housing Specialist certification course."
Watervliet Housing Authority

"These training sessions are thorough and helpful, and staff regularly review the training materials for reference. The Watervliet Housing Authority has developed a great relationship with Nan McKay staff, and will continue to subscribe to their services and take part in their training sessions."
Watervliet Housing Authority
File Reviews and Corrections
Model Policies
NMA's model policies for multifamily programs include all HUD-required topics and provide comprehensive guidance.
Project-based Section 8 (PBRA) Training
Long recognized as the industry leader in affordable housing training and certification, NMA continues to pursue and develop new training offerings, including custom training-consulting hybrids that not only train staff on the regulations, but also develop the hands-on skills required to achieve performance excellence while on the job.
We currently offer almost 50 training courses spanning the breadth of affordable housing programs, including a number of courses applicable to HUD's multifamily programs.
How can we help?
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