Case studies
Making a difference in your communities

We’ve served communities across the nation
NMA is dedicated to meeting our customers' commitments, whether we're helping them recover from a disaster or providing services for them to grow and thrive.
Harris County, Texas
Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP)
NMA assisted Harris County in receiving a direct carve out of $1,115,386,829.00 of the State of Texas’ first allocation of $5,024,215,000 under PL 115-56. NMA has assisted Harris County in developing a supplemental action plan to outline Harris County’s recovery efforts. [...]
City of Joplin, Missouri
Joplin Homebuyer Assistance Program (JHAP)
Feb. 2014-Jan. 2017
NMA worked with the City of Joplin for over three years to run one of the most successful Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) homebuyer assistance programs in the country. The Joplin Home Buyer Assistance Program (JHAP) offered up to $30,000 of down payment and [...]
State of South Carolina
CDBG-DR, CRF, ERAP, and Emergency Mortgage Assistance
April 2017-April 2018
The NMA team provided the South Carolina Department of Commerce (SCDOC) with monitoring and compliance/technical assistance support services to successfully complete the Disaster Recovery Compliance Assistance project. The NMA team worked with [...]
State of Pennsylvania
CDBG Monitoring & Compliance
July 2015-Feb. 2016
As a subcontractor, NMA designed, and developed training/informational materials for HOME, NSP, and CDBG federal grant sources. NMA provided in-depth regulatory knowledge during the development of a grant monitoring tool, to be used by all grantees and sub recipients. NMA trained field [...]
City of Jersey City, Division of Community Development
Program Management & Related Services
March 2017-Nov. 2017
NMA provided the City of Jersey City (CJC) with technical assistance and guidance in the planning, administration and implementation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and HOME [...]
Rental Assistance Demonstration
RAD Success Story
NMA is currently assisting a large agency in California with its public housing conversion under the Rental Assistance Demonstration program. The first transaction successfully closed in 2017, and NMA will continue to provide services to oversee the entire relocation project as well as the conversion process for more [...]
Harris County, Texas
Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP)
NMA assisted Harris County in receiving a direct carve out of $1,115,386,829.00 of the State of Texas’ first allocation of $5,024,215,000 under PL 115-56. NMA has assisted Harris County in developing a supplemental action plan to outline Harris County’s recovery efforts. [...]
City of Joplin, Missouri
Joplin Homebuyer Assistance Program (JHAP)
Feb. 2014-Jan. 2017
NMA worked with the City of Joplin for over three years to run one of the most successful Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) homebuyer assistance programs in the country. The Joplin Home Buyer Assistance Program (JHAP) offered up to $30,000 of down payment and [...]
State of South Carolina
CDBG-DR, CRF, ERAP, and Emergency Mortgage Assistance
April 2017-April 2018
The NMA team provided the South Carolina Department of Commerce (SCDOC) with monitoring and compliance/technical assistance support services to successfully complete the Disaster Recovery Compliance Assistance project. The NMA team worked with [...]
State of Pennsylvania
CDBG Monitoring & Compliance
July 2015-Feb. 2016
As a subcontractor, NMA designed, and developed training/informational materials for HOME, NSP, and CDBG federal grant sources. NMA provided in-depth regulatory knowledge during the development of a grant monitoring tool, to be used by all grantees and sub recipients. NMA trained field [...]
City of Jersey City, Division of Community Development
Program Management & Related Services
March 2017-Nov. 2017
NMA provided the City of Jersey City (CJC) with technical assistance and guidance in the planning, administration and implementation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and HOME [...]
Rental Assistance Demonstration
RAD Success Story
NMA is currently assisting a large agency in California with its public housing conversion under the Rental Assistance Demonstration program. The first transaction successfully closed in 2017, and NMA will continue to provide services to oversee the entire relocation project as well as the conversion process for more [...]