Project-Based Voucher Solutions
Let us help you establish and operate your PBV program

Establishing and Operating a Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program
We can help you establish and operate a PBV program to increase housing choice for your families
Let NMA help you through the process of establishing your PBV program and the difficult task of maintaining income mix requirements related to PBV project and program caps. Our expert consultants can prepare your PBV Request for Proposal (RFP); NMA experts can provide technical assistance to simplify the process and keep your program in compliance with HUD regulations and requirements.

"NMA consultants simplified the many and varied complexities of the PBV program for us. We would have struggled to implement our PBV program without their assistance."
Lori Collins, Whitefish Housing Authority

"NMA helped us prepare our RFP and establish our PBV program in record time! Their assistance was invaluable."
Carol Averell, City of Baldwin Park
Project-Based Voucher and RAD PBV Program Audits
Our team of PBV experts can perform a review of your PBV program and files to ensure they are in compliance with HUD regulations. This includes annual recertification, move-ins, contract rent adjustment changes and Voucher Management System (VMS) and IMS/PIC reporting. We can provide best practices for managing your PBV program and policy updates.
Project-Based Voucher Policies
NMA’s model administrative plan for the Housing Choice Voucher program includes all HUD-required topics and provides comprehensive guidance. Having compliant Project-Based Voucher policies for managing the program will ensure the long-term success of your PBV program.
Project-Based Voucher and RAD PBV Independent Entity Services
New regulations require PHA-owned properties to have independent entities to perform certain functions in the PBV and RAD PBV programs to avoid a conflict of interest. Some of the services our experts can help with include:
- Review your PHA's PBV selection process
- Establish PBV contract rents and determine rent reasonableness
- Prepare initial and renewal PBV HAP contracts
- Inspect units
Project-Based Voucher and RAD PBV Training
Long recognized as the industry leader in affordable housing training and certification, NMA continues to innovate and develop new training offerings, including custom training-consulting hybrids that not only train your staff on the regulations, but also develop the hands-on skills required to achieve performance excellence while on the job.
We currently offer 50+ trainings spanning the breadth of affordable housing programs, including a number of courses applicable to the Project-Based Voucher programs, including RAD PBV.
How can we help?
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