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A solid foundation of expertise to make your agency stronger

Building a reliable and skilled team can be a tough task in the housing industry.

You're facing constant change, fiscal uncertainty, political headwinds, and regulations that shift without warning. Under these conditions, setting and meeting performance standards sometimes seems impossible!

Fortunately, we're here to help you achieve your performance goals and beyond. Our agile and experienced housing professionals are ready to assist with short- and long-term staffing, remote recertifications and quality control, and everything else you need to make your agency run more efficiently and effectively. It's how we've been helping housing authorities since 1980.

Remote Recertifications

Are your recertifications starting to build up?

NMA can help lessen the impact by handling your recertifications offsite, saving money for your agency while ensuring you’re still in compliance with HUD regulations. Learn more.

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Very impressed with NMA’s client service. The NMA staff was responsive and stayed within the projected schedule and within budget.

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Thank you for a great job. Although we thought we knew what areas we needed to work on, the NMA consultant identified additional areas where we could really make a difference in the amount of time we spend on processes that are labor intensive.

Quality Control

Is quality control a special event at your PHA or are key program indicators (KPIs) reviewed on a regular basis? If effective quality control isn't part of your ongoing program administration, staff can slip into bad habits that quickly result in noncompliance in critical program areas.

  • NMA can help you identify which areas of program operations should receive ongoing review and which ones require review only once a year.
  • Our expert consultants will help you build a quality control schedule and provide you with tools straight from our own QC toolbox.
  • Our priority is to establish efficient and effective means to ensure compliance and address issues before they become major problems, such as helping your agency identify error trends with hands-on file reviews.

As a part of our service, you'll also receive comprehensive actionable reports to help you identify and correct errors before HUD finds them, reducing potentially costly audit findings and increasing the efficiency and productivity of your staff.

Our team of HCV experts will identify agency strengths and weaknesses, along with discussing your unique issues with management and supervisors. We will work directly with your QC staff and can train your specialists to conduct their own file reviews. This becomes a great means of training rent calculation and verification requirements while removing many objections staff have about reviewer feedback.

Financial Services

Solutions to help you achieve your financial goals

NMA offers a variety of financial services to help make sure you're complying with HUD's latest regulations, getting payments out on time, and otherwise succeeding in your financial goals.

NMA's temporary financial staffing services include:

  • Finance Directors
  • Accounting line staff
  • Support to current accounting staff
  • Fee accounting services


How can we help?

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