Focus on Fair Housing
Did you know NMA offers everything you need for fair housing compliance?

Did you know NMA offers everything you need for fair housing compliance—an assessment, physical audit, technical assistance, and training—all bundled into one complete package?
504/ADA Vulnerability Assessment
The vulnerability assessment covers two key areas of fair housing: general compliance and physical accessibility.
Fair Housing Compliance Technical Assistance
We'll also bring a consulting review binder with templates, tools, and checklists. After the on-site visit, your agency receives a copy of these review documents and a report listing NMA’s observations and recommendations.
Physical Accessibility Technical Assistance
The NMA 504 team will audit every designated 504 unit, your PHA’s common areas, office spaces, and community spaces for compliance with UFAS/504. Remember—fixing units now is much less expensive than getting involved with FHEO. The expenses to fix units are eligible under capital funds, but the costs of a lawsuit aren't.
Following the on-site visit, the NMA 504 team will deliver a comprehensive compliance report to your agency, detailing findings and providing recommendations.
Also Available: Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) Technical Assistance
If you're facing a VCA, we can help with that, too. Before you sign a VCA with HUD’s FHEO office, it's vital to bring in an expert who knows fair housing laws and PHA regulations. We'll be that expert for your agency, assisting you in negotiating the terms.
Once your PHA is under a VCA, navigating, implementing, and monitoring the improvement plan is critical to ensure the successful completion of the VCA. Our NMA team monitors the progress of your PHA’s VCA, reviews problems that may arise in implementation, mentors the 504 coordinator and executive team, and periodically visits your agency at established benchmarks in the VCA’s timeline.
Don't wait to be found out of compliance—focus on fair housing today. Contact us today using the form above to learn more.
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